Oppression and Terrorism of President Kim Dae-Jung Regime
After the email entitled “Happy New Year” from “Kim Dae-Jung” that was
received after contacting President Kim Dae-Jung of the Presidential
from Atlanta, President Kim Dae-Jung who already received his long wished
Nobel peace prize used infectious agents against his fellow citizen in Brussels
Wishing for a beautiful country.

Mr. President. Stop your terror politics! Justice delayed, justice
President Kim Dae-Jung often speak about brutal and dark
politics under military generals. President
Kim Dae-Jung’s Peoples’ Government was not a military power but a power elected
by people. It is an example of terrorism carried out by a government not by
military power but by the hands of Kim Dae-Jung’s power. He and his
instruments branded a
powerless citizen as anti-government activist, accusing him to be pro-Kim
Jong-il communist
and anti-Kim Jong-Il extreme rightist, turning him into a prey of terrorism, kidnapping and
By threatening the lives and safety of their hostages (my
family), they tried to weaken me and break my resistance. Ban Ki-Moon’s
diplomats tried to buy me with money and with a woman used as a human gift.
Ban Ki-Moon —current UN Secretary General— and President Kim Dae-Jung held
my family as hostages and used them as a bargaining chip to threaten me. I
was away from home.
At that time, these kinds of crimes were a political
necessity for President Kim Dae-Jung. His political terrorism crime cell's
agents employed the term
“burnt offering” to indicate their
murdering a citizen.
Is it evil when it is perpetrated by a military government, and good when by
a civilian government? Shouting justice and democracy of this society on one
hand, how dare say “Did we see it?” and “Intelligence agencies of other
countries are worse!”.
Why do those politicians who shouted for democracy
keep silent, and what are they doing? Is a new world opening up where
the protection of human rights is political oppression?
Unimaginable political
terrorist activities perpetrated under the Peoples’ government elected by
the people are the problems not of the past but of the present.
to conceal the terrorism should be stopped, and the record of this terrorism
should be revealed to the citizens before dealing with the past history.
When Nho Gil-Sang
etc. who is said to consider citizen’s health and welfare, attempt
kidnapping and assassination and use infectious agents, that is when I feel
a human is not a human. Political oppression and manipulative politics are
defense of human rights and health and welfare. Even as they might succeed
in making one citizen quiet, I will walk on the road to freedom and life to
the last moment.

This burnt offering collaboration —multiple attempts to kidnap and murder a
citizen branded as an anti-Kim Jong-Il extreme rightist— between
Kim Dae-Jung’s
Presidential Palace,
Ban Ki-Moon's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade,
the National
Intelligence Service (Korean Central Intelligence Agency, KCIA),
and Hyundai was the maneuver to implement the hidden side of Kim's Sunshine
Policy — “Kidnapping and Murder — Burnt Offering as Sunshine Policy at the