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Sunday December 26, 2004
Only the location was changed from Brussels to Seoul: National Intelligence
Service and Defense Security Command
From pro-Kim Il-Sung leftist to anti-Kim Jong-Il extreme rightist – Charges made by
National Intelligence Service and Defense Security Command to suit their needs:
In defense of human rights.
in Korean:
Commanding General of Defense Security Command (DSC)
Song Young-Keun, what is
the reason that Lieutenant Colonel Yang-Hong Bae of DSC exercised abnormal and
planned political violence in Brussels? What is the reason that a member of DSC
is doing something like this? (Lieutenant Colonel Bae Yang-Hong, military 33rd
graduate: Brigadier General now, promoted to General on January 1, 2004 under
President Roh Moo-Hyun.)
December 24, 2004, but nothing has changed from December 24, 1999.
They were
like that also at that time on Christmas in 1999. Only the location was changed
from Brussels to Seoul. On my way to Uljiro Entrance after dropping by at a
Kyobo bookstore. When I had to feel again I am not able to be free from the oppression of
National Intelligence Service (NIS) even on a day like today,
I raised voice
about the cruel oppression by political power. I told the police in front of my
eyes to contact NIS and take me. Around 4:30 pm on the way home, a jeep covered
with clothes with Military Police written on it is driven in front of me from
the side street in front of my home. Military Police car, as if a police car is
not enough! The materials were organized on the internet on military attaché
lieutenant colonel Seung-Sun Lee (Period of Second Oppression in Europe), who
conspired with the errand men of political oppression ring that used even germs
while falsely accusing me of being anti-government recently, and self-styled
lieutenant colonel Yang-Hong Bae (Period of First Oppression in Europe) of DSC
in whose presence even the stars are said to tremble, who participated in the
conspiracy using drug.

Period of First Oppression in Europe – Secret Drug Intoxication and Making charges of
pro-Kim Il-Sung communist –
Agent Jin (Hyundai)
In the early period (1986 – 1987) after I went to Belgium, Jin
(Hyundai, Brussels/Paris) who was referred
to me by a short term student invited me to a dinner at his house. I found out
later that agent Jin participated in the conspiracy at that time with Yang-Hong Bae etc. as organization colleague going beyond time and space with
Gil-Sang Nho
and Mr. Well Paid. (When I checked on the internet after returning from Atlanta, he
was in a city that was a few hours driving distance from Brussels where I was
staying (Paris). Re-confirmed on Aug. 22, 2004.) I turned it down as I was occupied with
examination, but he asked me to connect electricity, so I took an expensive taxi
because I did not have time, and struggled to remember what I learned from an
electrician when I was moving, and connected triple electric wires. In the
middle of the conversation over the dinner, all of a sudden in front of a
foreigner and his spouse, he accused me as one with political thoughts that
should disappear. And the foreigner who was in front of me put his feet with
only socks on the dinner table. With only a few words, agent Jin successfully
branded me as pro-Kim Il-Sung communist. After it happened in Brussels, it was
the beginning of new period.
KCIA staff who was assigned at the Embassy at that time was found attempting to
conspire with Song Pyung-Jun. After that, I received Shish kebab in the middle
of the night from a KCIA (currently NIS) staff. (One agent smiled and
intentionally said to me that the agent who sent me Shish Kebab immigrated to
the U.S. For what reason did the person who had to hide his whereabouts
intentionally allow notifying me where he was going? At that time, I was already
addicted to their drug. At that time, I was not aware of their cruel intention.
The agent who sent me shish kebab was one of the people who advertised me as
someone that has to disappear). Just like a mafia who sends a gift of dead fish,
like the Mr. and Mrs. Consul at the Embassy who recommended me to eat bean rice
displaying bean rice and salted bean, that gift which was not a gift was a kind
of threat that they make which is hard to notice.
Yang-Hong Bae talked about his faith and even told me to give the bible that I
was keeping as extra. Yang-Hong Bae is the core person even
Gil-Sang Nho and
Mr. Well Paid knew. Of course I gave Bae, an officer of DSC, the extra bible that I
purchased through a church. At first he was very polite and well mannered. He
maintained that attitude for a while. He explained about his foreign language
skills, and boasted that he came abroad to study about such military
intelligence operation methods etc. that are very important in the military
academy, listing such words as intelligence operation, political operation, and
dissolution operation. To put it again, it was an explanation about how capable
he was. DSC officer Bae mobilized people around him and delivered the news that
his promotion is getting delayed, and
Bae himself showed the anxious attitudes, and
even complained about the insufficient funds for studying abroad. I maintained a
relationship like neighbors sharing instant noodles or the fruits that I
brought. After such times passed, DSC officer Bae suddenly changed his attitudes
and called me “a North Korean” and prepared a conspiracy to package me as
pro-Kim Il-Sung communist. After that incident, he’s colleagues used drug.
he did was the operation that he said he was learning.
Under President Roh, Moo-hyun, Yang-Hong Bae was promoted to Brigadier General as
of January 1, 2004 (confirmed on the internet). He called himself Lieutenant
Colonel Yang-Hong Bae, and boasted that “even stars tremble in front of DSC
Packaging and advertising a powerless citizen as anti-government political
criminal by agent Jin and his colleagues:
Agent Jin who invited me to a dinner held at his house all of a sudden accused
me, in front of a foreigner and his spouse, as person with political thoughts
that should disappear. After that, agent Jin branded me as a person with
political thoughts that should disappear, and led me to naturally meet
foreigners residing in Belgium including foreign soldiers and soldier’s families
to show me as pro-Kim Il-Sung communist. (Military attaché of Embassy etc. who
has the same purpose as Bae of DSC is related). A few planned publicity
campaign. Their plan was not realized continuously because I didn’t have a car.

Drug Intoxication -
Organized conspiracy including political oppression agents and
DSC Bae Yang-Hong [Narcotics were administered
to me extensively without my knowledge
after the NATO military base (Mons) plot
Period of Second Oppression in Europe – Bioterrorism and A number of attempts to
kidnap and murder – Vice Minister rank Ambassador Dae-Hwa Choi and his errand
After Mr. Dae-Jung Kim was inaugurated as president, political oppression agents
and diplomats appeared. They were running errands for President Dae-Jung Kim who
accused me to be anti-government, pro-Kim Jong-Il leftist and anti-Kim Jong-Il
extreme rightist, and attempted to kidnap and murder. It was when President Kim
Dae-Jung visited North Korea and received Nobel Prize talking about North-South
reconciliation when the charge was changed to anti-Kim Jong-Il extreme right.
The political oppression organization led by
vice minister rank Ambassador Choi
Dae-Hwa who accused me of being pro-Kim Jong Il leftist and anti-Kim Jong Il
extreme rightist gave me an opportunity to choose the political thoughts of
President Kim Dae-Jung after a numerous attempts to kidnap and assassinate and
infectious agent using terror (Chinese agents). I rejected the political thoughts of President
Kim Dae-Jung right on the spot. It was after a worship service.
It was a political oppression organization including
lieutenant colonel Lee Seung-Sun
and Nho Gil-Sang.
I had to leave Brussels in early 2001 abandoning everything, rejecting their
dirty compensation with the condition attached that I should not return to
Nho Gil-Sang is a person who attempted to appease me in front of the Palais de Justice saying that
the world is about who eats more, and
he committed bioterrorism, and tried to threaten me by mentioning
Interpol at
Lieutenant Colonel
Lee Seung-sun as Chief of Organization PKO
Completely packaging the person to be kidnapped and murdered as extreme right:

Choi who said he was from DSC is the person who accused me of being anti-Kim
Jong-Il extreme right.
Popeye Choi tried to package me as extreme right
mentioning the assassination of Kim Jong-Il at a restaurant that people
frequented which is located between the radio and television tower and Square
Montgomery in Brussels. While
saying something to that effect, he mentioned the name Lee Chul-Seung that I was
not aware of.
This was the moment of branded me as anti-Kim Jong-Il extreme rightist, while
I was accused of being pro-Kim Il-Song leftist in college because I talked about
democracy. It is a word game for the purpose of making charges by DSC and NIS.
Are charges made up through word game? They were.
After Mayor Lee Myung-bak’s inauguration event was over, I was taking a short
rest at a coffee shop next to the location where Patty Kim was singing for the
inauguration event, and people were gathering to my side one by one. They were
talking loudly, why conservatism in this age. I had to heard it. What
are they saying these words for? Their words were the words that explained
today’s situation well.
Presidential Election day 2002. An errand man delivers a word in the side street
next to the voting place, make a good choice this time, the act reminded me of
suggesting and forcing me to accommodate the political thoughts of
President Kim
Dae-Jung in the face of death. Is it democracy to force the selection of
Presidential candidate Roh Moo-hyun on a Presidential election date?
Will it suffice to kill by means of bio-chemical terrorism through accusing leftist
and extreme rightist? If one rejects the political thoughts of President Dae-Jung
Kim, is the human rights of the person who rejected President Kim's political
thoughts not the human rights?
person who became a councilor, who uses a word patriot to describe himself, who
threatened me for the errand men of President Dae-Jung Kim, said when his
identity was revealed and he was in the corner, “it was for survival”! He said
that he is a person who makes anti-government political criminal and
participates in political oppression for survival. This man cannot be considered
financially poor.
This collaboration —multiple attempts to kidnap and murder a citizen branded
as anti-Kim Jong-Il extreme rightist— between Kim Dae-Jung's Blue House, Ban
Ki-Moon's Ministry of Foreign Affaires and Trade, the National Intelligence
Service (Korean Central Intelligence Agency, KCIA) and the Hyundai* was the manoeuvre to implement Kim's Sunshine policy.
*This secret agent —regional director/CEO (Hyundai America (USA)/ Hyundai,
Brussels, 7years/ KIA, London (UK), Jan. 2007-)— corroborated with Jeon, Nho
(Roh) Gil-Sang (diplomat and secret KCIA agent) and Jung Kang-Hyun (diplomat
and KCIA agent) —Ban Ki-Moon's terror agent worked for “Burnt Offering”.
Several agents worked for him. One of his subordinate waited me at Tervuren
(2001). It is important to not that the agent Popeye moved to London after the
criminal and terror acts.
Returning to Seoul after the hunger strike alone in Atlanta, I tried to get
treatment for broken eye socket. President Kim threatened through surgeon,
doctor and dentists. That was not everything! President Dae-Jung Kim pushed me
into the status of being thoroughly deprived of human rights not being able to
receive even a physical check up by means of oppression through NIS Director
Kuhn Shin.
The dentist used germs to cause infection and tortured me by using psychoactive
drugs (pharmacological torture). The dentist made a hole in a person’s tooth. On
the day when I was going to another hospital to get the medical imaging, there
was an intentional car impact in front of the hospital intended to deliver a
threat. As if that’s not enough, they made inhale chemicals by mobilizing the
sympathizers even at a bank. These things file up and make a mobile prison
without a wall.
Apr. 08, 2005, Roh Moo-Hyun's agent conveyed the words “Growing opium poppies”.
May 23, 2005, when I
started my silent demand of liquidation of President Kim's crimes and terror
activities, they did arson.
After their arson, I had to meet intense manipulation and intimidation at the
National Assembly Members Office (Sept. 2005, A member of the National Assembly,
opposition political party - Grand National, Hannara)
May 07, 2007. After verification of criminals (infectious agent using terrorism
and pharmacological and medical tortures at Il-Won Dong, Gangnam Gu, Seoul, I
received the same death threat I had previously received from Cho (Jo) Dong-Il
(July 2002, Seoul).
Jun. 21, 2007, they did torture on the main street near the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs for UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and President Kim Dae-Jung and said
“the road to crematorium.”
Oct. 02., 2007 - President Roh Moo-Hyun did prepared assault and battery in the
front of Presidential Palace.
Old practices were not banned.
Is this democracy that we shouted for during college, where human rights are
guaranteed, for which many people hoped for!

The errand men of political violence have the same purpose since agent Jin. They
attempt kidnapping and assassination and use germ and chemicals as if drug does
not suffice. There has been no change in the behaviors of the errand men for
political violence up to today of NIS Director Ko Young-Koo.
President Roh Moo-hyun, Speech to People “Strict Response to Terrorism” June 23,
rev. 2007.10.29