National Intelligence Service (NIS, KCIA), Diplomatic Immunity and Privileges Nov. 09, 2007, through TV news, I learned what I heard from the person who would supply weaponry to the Korean peninsula became public information. It was about the development of missile with a range of more than 1,000 kilometers under president Kim Dae-Jung. [2007.11.10 AM 9:34, This is the first public release of this information.] Counselor Jung Kang-Hyun of Embassy who is one of them, devoted himself to the conspiracy of kidnapping and murdering me, laughing off a person as crazy who said he could get any kind of weapon. Even when I was in danger by the approach of a person who said he would supply weaponry to the Korean peninsula, Counselor Jung Kang-Hyun was in a hurry to make me leave the embassy (Brussels, 2000). The person who suggested weapon supply added certain information that it was considered a national secret. It was about secret development of missile with remarkable range. [2007.11.09 evening news, I heard the news about it. In fact, it was already on the news paper at the end of last month.] I had to considered it as a national secret. So It was not described it until today. Indeed, at that time, I had to confront with two undetermined networks—president Kim Dae-Jung's terrorist network and undetermined criminal network that would supply weaponry to the Korean peninsula. I do not know about his source of information.
Quoting an unnamed military source, Yonhap news agency said the South Korean
army's guided missile command "possess a cruise missile with a range of 1,000
kilometers (620 miles)" though it's not known whether the rocket has already
been deployed.
Published: October 22, 2007
The Navy's KDX-III Aegis-equipped destroyers will carry the missiles, the official said, adding the ADD was also developing cruise missiles with a range of 1,500 kilometers. S. Korea Develops 1,000-KM Cruise Missile 2007-10-23 I have a memory of giving Counselor Jung a book on Mafia. I gave it so that he would protect people from this kind of people. After Jung refused to help, the organization including the errand men under Vice Minister rank Ambassador Dae-Hwa Choi’s command such as Gil-Sang Nho and Mr. Paid Well, etc. continued to attempt to kidnap and murder. Counselor Jung -he worked with numerous diamond smugglers including Woo-Chul Kim - threatened me with a gun at a church after Caleb menace me at a cafe near Place Louise. Terrorist Gil-Sang Nho was not far from armed Council Jung at the church. He was one of diplomats and agents who proposed various compensation -President Kim’s bribery to cover up his own terrorist activities- including financial compensation. “Money” proposal by President Dae-Jung Kim, who suggested financial compensation to conceal kidnap and murder attempts and bioterrorism. - The only condition Counselor Jung mentioned is I should not return to Seoul -my home country-. It was a trap for exile. Of course numerous suggestions for economic compensation by President Dae-Jung Kim between 2000 and 2001 -insidious proposals of financial compensations continued- were rejected by me on the spot repeatedly. After numerous failure of their kidnapping and murder attempts, Counselor Jung menaced my family's lives -just like their hostages-. He did not hesitated to behave as a hostage taker with other terror agents. Just like Lee Seung-Sun and Park Young-Sam, he behaved as a criminal and terrorist he have to stop. |