“Violins are made of wood and have four strings.” It was found that those who used drug and manipulated anti-Jeolla-Do regional sentiments in the 1980's were active in President Dae-Jung Kim's terror organization. This couple is only one of those. This couple was assigned to Kwangju, Jeolla-Do under President Roh, Moo-Hyun, in succession to President Kim, Dae-Jung. (At the end of 2005, Mr. and Mrs. Paid Well were relocated to Kwangju, Jeolla-Do.)
Psychotropic substance - NATO
The couple who were living at Kwang-Ju in Honam region (Jeolla-Do) in the 1980’s and told me not to hang around with anyone from Jeolla-Do. One of them silently threatened me at a church, and afterwards told me -pretending it to be an accident- in a corridor of Porte de Namur subway station that I was passing by. Terrorists led by Ambassador Dae-hwa Choi want to meet me at the church. They were active around me since 1980's with Yang-Hong Bae whom the terror agent Gil-Sang Nho also knows about, and playing roles in the terror organization of President Dae-Jung Kim that was active in Brussels. The crime cell that lured me to the U.S. Armed Forces base (NATO, Mons) is a branch of the crime cell that carried out terror activities between 2000 and 2001 in Brussels and Antwerp, and is currently under the control of a certain “Choi.” Choi cooperated with Popeye Choi. This crime cell includes the military attaché Yang-Hong Bae, from the Defense Security Command (DSC), and a violinist and his wife who do not hesitate to put psychotropic drugs into soft drinks (such as Coca Cola). Reference: Crime Cell’s Plot in U.S. Armed Forces Military Base in Mons (NATO). with Bae, Yang-Hong and agents of Military Attaché
Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) near Mons, Belgium is the
Headquarters of Allied Command Operations (ACO), one of NATO's two strategic
military commands.
ACO is commanded by the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR)
and responsible for all Alliance operations, ranging from the Straits of
Gibraltar to Afghanistan.”